N&N Mixer-Grinder MG-900/160
The MG-Series Mixer-Grinder consist of an innovative combination of a two-axle paddle mixer and a high-end mincer. The ideal solution for mixing and final grinding of already pre-ground products such as meat filling for sausages, hamburgers, nuggets, vegetable puree and fruit pulp and many others.
One compact construction saves space and speeds up the production process considerably by eliminating the need for transport between a separate paddle mixer and a mincer.
Gentle but effective mixing with two paddle shafts, identical to a standard mixer, preserves the perfect structure of the filling and ensures efficient mixing of both fat and lean meat, up to 20% faster. This is the ideal solution for mixing and mincing meat and other meat products where efficient mixing in a short time, an excellent product structure and the maintenance of an adequate colour contrast after mincing is essential.
The machines of the MG series have been specially developed for grinding pre-ground meat. The cutting head of the mincer is located directly under the mixing bowl.
- The MG-900/160 can optionally be equipped with a standard trolley lift for 200 litre standard trolleys. The compact design saves space and improves ergonomics.
- A handy parts trolley makes it easy to hold your cutting plates, rings and other parts together. The worm can be easily removed, making cleaning by employees quick and easy.